Parse a tibble and ensure it meets standards
maxlevels = 6,
col_id = NULL,
tooltip_column_suffix = "_tooltip",
ignore_column_regex = "_ignore$",
- data
data.frame to autoplot (data.frame)
- maxlevels
for categorical variables, what is the maximum number of distinct values to allow (too many will make it hard to find a palette that suits). (number)
- col_id
name of column to use as an identifier. If null, artificial IDs will be created based on row-number.
- cols_to_plot
names of columns in data that should be plotted. By default plots all valid columns (character)
- tooltip_column_suffix
the suffix added to a column name that indicates column should be used as a tooltip (string)
- ignore_column_regex
a regex string that, if matches a column name, will cause that column to be excluded from plotting (string). If NULL no regex check will be performed. (default: "_ignore$")
- palettes
A list of named vectors. List names correspond to data column names (categorical only). Vector names to levels of columns. Vector values are colours, the vector names are used to map values in data to a colour.
- colours_default
Default colors for categorical variables without a custom palette.
- colours_default_logical
Colors for binary variables: a vector of three colors representing
, andNA
respectively (character).- verbose
Numeric value indicating the verbosity level:
2: Highly verbose, all messages.
1: Key messages only.
0: Silent, no messages.