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Visualize all columns in a data frame with gg1d's vertically aligned plots and automatic plot selection based on variable type. Plots are fully interactive, and custom tooltips can be added.


  col_id = NULL,
  col_sort = NULL,
  order_matches_sort = TRUE,
  maxlevels = 7,
  verbose = 2,
  drop_unused_id_levels = FALSE,
  interactive = TRUE,
  return = c("plot", "column_info", "data"),
  palettes = NULL,
  sort_type = c("frequency", "alphabetical"),
  desc = TRUE,
  limit_plots = TRUE,
  max_plottable_cols = 10,
  cols_to_plot = NULL,
  tooltip_column_suffix = "_tooltip",
  ignore_column_regex = "_ignore$",
  convert_binary_numeric_to_factor = TRUE,
  options = gg1d_options(show_legend = !interactive)



data.frame to autoplot (data.frame)


name of column to use as an identifier. If null, artificial IDs will be created based on row-number.


name of columns to sort on. To do a hierarchical sort, supply a vector of column names in the order they should be sorted (character).


should the column plots be stacked top-to-bottom in the order they appear in col_sort (flag)


for categorical variables, what is the maximum number of distinct values to allow (too many will make it hard to find a palette that suits). (number)


Numeric value indicating the verbosity level:

  • 2: Highly verbose, all messages.

  • 1: Key messages only.

  • 0: Silent, no messages.


if col_id is a factor with unused levels, should these be dropped or included in visualisation


produce interactive ggiraph visualiastion (flag)


a string describing what this function should return. Options include:

  • plot: Return the gg1d visualisation (default)

  • colum_info: Return a data.frame describing the columns the dataset.

  • data: Return the processed dataset used for plotting.


A list of named vectors. List names correspond to data column names (categorical only). Vector names to levels of columns. Vector values are colours, the vector names are used to map values in data to a colour.


controls how categorical variables are sorted. Numerical variables are always sorted in numerical order irrespective of the value given here. Options are alphabetical or frequency


sort in descending order (flag)


throw an error when there are > max_plottable_cols in dataset (flag)


maximum number of columns that can be plotted (default: 10) (number)


names of columns in data that should be plotted. By default plots all valid columns (character)


the suffix added to a column name that indicates column should be used as a tooltip (string)


a regex string that, if matches a column name, will cause that column to be excluded from plotting (string). If NULL no regex check will be performed. (default: "_ignore$")


If a numeric column conatins only values 0, 1, & NA, then automatically convert to a factor.


a list of additional visual parameters created by calling gg1d_options(). See gg1d_options for details.


ggiraph interactive visualisation


path_gg1d <- system.file("example.csv", package = "gg1d")
df <- read.csv(path_gg1d, header = TRUE, na.strings = "")

# Create Basic Plot
gg1d(df, col_id = "ID", col_sort = "Glasses")
#> ── Running gg1d ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Sorting 
#>  Sorting X axis by: Glasses
#>  Order type: frequency
#>  Sort order: descending
#> ! Categorical columns must have <= 7 unique values to be visualised. Columns with too many unique values: Date (19)
#> ── Generating Plot 
#>  Found 7 plottable columns in data
#>  Plotting column Glasses
#>  Plotting column Age
#>  Plotting column Gender
#>  Plotting column EyeColour
#>  Plotting column Height
#>  Plotting column HairColour
#>  Plotting column WearingHat
#> ! Skipping column WearingHat_tooltip
#> ! Skipping column Date
#>  Stacking plots vertically
#>  Making plot interactive since `interactive = TRUE`
# Configure plot gg1d_options() gg1d( lazy_birdwatcher, col_sort = "Magpies", palettes = list( Birdwatcher = c(Robert = "#E69F00", Catherine = "#999999"), Day = c(Weekday = "#999999", Weekend = "#009E73") ), options = gg1d_options( show_legend = TRUE, fontsize_barplot_y_numbers = 12, legend_text_size = 16, legend_key_size = 1, legend_nrow = 1, ) ) #> #> ── Running gg1d ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── #> #> ── Sorting #> Sorting X axis by: Magpies #> Order type: frequency #> Sort order: descending #> #> ── Generating Plot #> Found 3 plottable columns in data #> Plotting column Magpies #> Plotting column Day #> Plotting column Birdwatcher #> Stacking plots vertically #> Making plot interactive since `interactive = TRUE`